Corporate Governance and Registration with the Romanian Trade Registry during COVID-19 – Emergency Kit Required
As of 16 March 2020, the day when the state of emergency was declared in Romania, the Government has adopted an impressive number of pieces of legislation aimed at preventing and limiting the spread of the new coronavirus, on one hand, and at reducing the negative impact on the economy of the implemented solutions, on the other hand. To be specific, about 75 acts (primary and secondary legislation) were adopted in the course of approximately one month.
A New Wave of Insolvencies? Possible Preventive Restructuring Measures in the Implementation of the European Directive on Preventive Restructuring
This legal analysis focuses on the typical case of a company that although it is not directly targeted by the measures established in order to prevent the spreading of the novel coronavirus, it still registers a decrease of demand, of the level of proceeds and of the production of goods and services.
COVID-19 Related Payment Moratorium on Financings in Bulgaria
The COVID-19 pandemic has multiple effects on the economy. Many businesses struggle to survive and are or may become unable to service their bank debt in the same way as they did before the outbreak of the pandemic. Governments and central banks around the world are imposing various emergency measures and taking actions to support the economy, the business and households in this emergency situation.
New Decree on the Application of Certain Provisions of the Law on Labour Relations in North Macedonia
On 04 April 2020, the Government of North Macedonia adopted a Decree concerning the application of certain provisions of the Law on Labour Relations during the state of emergency.
Issuance of Certificates for Emergency Situations Necessary to Access the State Support for Certain Employers
The Order of the Minister of Economy, Energy and the Business Environment no. 791/24.03.2020 on granting certificates for emergency situations to the economic operators whose activity is impacted in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was published within the Official Gazette no. 248 dated 25 March 2020.
New Measures and Amendments of Some Legal Provisions Adopted in the Context of the Current Crisis Generated by COVID-19
The Government Emergency Ordinance no. 30/18.03.2020 on the amendment and completion of a series of normative acts and establishing some measures in the field of social protection in the context of the current epidemic situation determined by the spreading of the coronavirus was published within the Official Gazette no. 231 dated 21 March 2020.
Public Procurement under State of Emergency
Authors: Adriana Gaspar, Adina Chilim-Dumitriu, NNDKP
Following the COVID-19 outbreak in Romania, the President of Romania issued Decree No. 195/2020 (the “Decree”) for proclaiming a 30-day state of emergency effective from 16 March 2020.
Among other rules impacting the day-to-day life and businesses, Article 10 of the Decree has brought up an important derogation from the public procurement rules, allowing “central public authorities and legal entities where the state is a majority shareholder” to “directly purchase materials and equipment necessary for fighting the epidemic”.
News on the Instating of the State of Emergency
Decree No. 195/16.03.2020 of the President on the instating of the state of emergency on the Romanian territory was published within the Official Gazette No. 212 dated 16 March 2020.
Aspects of Immediate Interest concerning the Adjudication of Civil Lawsuits during the State of Emergency in Romania
Romania has already entered a state of emergency pursuant to the Decree issued by the President of Romania, published in the Official Gazette Part I no. 212 on 16 March 2020 (the “Decree”), and NNDKP can already see the changes and reactions triggered by this situation.
Public Procurement under State of Emergency
Following the COVID-19 outbreak in Romania, the President of Romania issued Decree No. 195/2020 (the “Decree”) for proclaiming a 30-day state of emergency effective from 16 March 2020.
Among other rules impacting the day-to-day life and businesses, Article 10 of the Decree has brought up an important derogation from the public procurement rules, allowing “central public authorities and legal entities where the state is a majority shareholder” to “directly purchase materials and equipment necessary for fighting the epidemic”.
News on the Instating of the State of Emergency
Decree No. 195/16.03.2020 of the President on the instating of the state of emergency on the Romanian territory was published within the Official Gazette No. 212 dated 16 March 2020.