Updated List of Important Investments to Restart the Slovenian Economy after the Epidemic
On 19 May 2021, the Slovenian government supplemented the list of important investments, originally adopted on 30 September 2020 as part of the Intervention Act to Remove Obstacles to the Implementation of Significant Investments to Start the Economy After the COVID-19 Epidemic (the “Act”). The list originally included 187 investments worth approximately EUR 7.7 billion. The supplemental list identified 35 new investments and also removed 13, mostly redundant or replacement, projects. At present, a total of 336 investments are included in the list, which may be accessed here.
The Act aims…
New Rules for Business Travel to Serbia
As of 21 January 2021, Serbian and foreign citizens can travel to Serbia for business reasons, without a negative PCR test.
The Serbian Ministry of Labour’s Guide through Occupational Health and Safety when Working from Home
Author: Marija Gligorevic, BDK Advokati
The Serbian Ministry of Labour published on 18 January 2021 the Guide for Safe and Healthy Work from Home (Vodič za bezbedan i zdrav rad od kuće) (“Guide“).
The Guide defines work from home as work which involves the use of information and communication technologies (PC, laptop, smartphone, and tablet) enabling remote work.
Documenting work from home
The Ministry of Labour suggests in the Guide that the work from home on an exceptional basis (and not as a special form of employment) requires that the employer and the employee conclude a formal annex…
The Slovenian Seventh COVID-19 Law: Funding for Uncovered Fixed Costs
In the last days of December, the National Assembly adopted a new round of intervention measures that, amongst others, introduced certain changes to the existing scheme of partial funding of uncovered fixed costs.
The Seventh COVID-19 Law Adopted in Slovenia: Labour law Aspect
On 29 December 2020, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Intervention Measures Act to help mitigate the consequences of the second COVID-19 epidemic or the Seventh COVID-19 package
The proposal of the Seventh COVID-19 Law: Labour law aspect
Authors: Darja Miklavcic, Karin Dodic, SELIH & PARTNERJI Law Firm
On 19 December 2020, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the proposal of the Intervention Measures Act to help mitigate the consequences of the second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, i.e. PKP7 (hereinafter: "the Seventh COVID-19 law") and sent it to the National Assembly. The main goal of the seventh COVID-19 law is to mitigate and eliminate the consequences of COVID-19 in the field of economy, labour and labour relations, social protection and health care.
In the present article, we mainly focus on the measures…
Funding for uncovered fixed costs: Changes proposed
Author: Jera Majzelj, SELIH & PARTNERJI Law Firm
The last round of intervention measures adopted by the Slovenian National Assembly in November (package PKP6) introduced support in the form of partial funding of uncovered fixed costs. With the next package, PKP7, the Slovenian Government is already proposing changes.
The proposed changes are mainly intended to:
widen the scope of eligible undertakings: the proposal considers undertakings that have not suffered a significant drop in turnover (or have even increased its turnover compared to 2019), however, this is due to new investments…
Employment Law Aspects of the Sixth Slovenian COVID-19 Law
Authors: Darja Miklavcic, Karin Dodic, SELIH & PARTNERJI Law Firm
On 25 November 2020, the National Assembly adopted the Act on Intervention Measures for Mitigating the Consequences of the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Epidemic or the so-called PKP6 (hereinafter “the Sixth COVID-19 Law"), which provides for temporary measures to mitigate and eliminate the consequences of the infectious disease COVID-19. The adoption of the new package of measures regulated for in the Sixth COVID-19 Law is necessary due to the re-declaration of the epidemic, whereas some measures need to be supplemented (mainly…
How Could Declaring a State of Crisis Affect Companies in North Macedonia?
Author: Metodija Velkov, Polenak Law Firm
The adoption of a decision on the existence of a crisis situation by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia could have implications for the ordinary operations of companies.
After the adoption of such a decision, the Government also adopts a decision for the use and management of the resources of other entities in the country for such a crisis.
These entities are primarily the bodies of the state administration and the bodies of the municipalities and the city of Skopje.
However, the Government may decide to also use the resources of public…
Expected new measures: Support for uncovered fixed costs
Author: Jera Majzelj, SELIH & PARTNERJI Law Firm
The Slovenian Government has sent a new proposal for intervention measures to the National Assembly, the so called PKP6 package, which is supposed to be subject to parliamentary discussion this week. Amongst the measures that we are already familiar with, an entirely new measure in support of the economy is proposed in the form of partial funding of uncovered fixed costs.
The proposal does not say what exactly are the uncovered fixed costs. Based on the supporting documentation for the proposal, we can assume that these costs are defined…