Jovovic, Mugosa & Vukovic
The law office Jovovic, Mugosa & Vukovic, established in 1984, has built a reputation over all these years as a progressive, successful and leading law firm in Montenegro. The firm’s team comprises over 30 members at almost any given moment, including experienced lawyers with extensive tenure, talented young legal professionals, and experts from various fields who support its daily work.
Jovovic, Mugosa & Vukovic distinguishes itself with a diverse portfolio of legal services, but is also recognised for its reliability as partners to its clients in dealing with complex legal situations. The firm’s reputation and outstanding operational results have enabled it to participate in privatisation processes, restructurings, resolution of legal and economic disputes, and other complex legal challenges. This also includes issues related to intellectual property and disputes that have attracted special public attention.
With a dedicated focus on addressing its clients’ legal challenges, Jovovic, Mugosa and Vukovic combines expertise, vigor and thorough knowledge to provide the best possible legal services. The firm’s commitment to its clients’ success is unparalleled.
The firm is a strong believer that knowledge transfer is important for the development of the profession, so it takes pride in collaborating with the Faculty of Law at the University of Montenegro, where its lawyers give lectures on International Private Law and share practical experience with future legal professionals.
In addition to all types of legal services it regularly provides, the firm is passionate for continuous improvement and being an active member of the community. Its team of lawyers actively participates in international and regional conferences and events in the legal profession, as well as beyond, to stay informed about the latest rules and approaches. The firm also regularly organises internal training sessions for employees to develop all legal and soft skills and to be able to provide clients with comprehensive and quality service.
In addition to its expertise, Jovovic, Mugosa & Vukovic is also deeply committed to social responsibility. In collaboration with reputable non-governmental organizations, the firm provides support to those most in need, especially those facing challenges in education. The firm supports student organisations and reward the best students of the Faculty of Law. Furthermore, it actively supports Montenegrin sports and the community. Its dedication to outstanding legal practice and social responsibility makes the firm the partner of choice for the clients’ legal needs.