New Rules on Accessibility of Services for People with Disabilities
January 2025
Barbara Hocevar, Partner, and Lidija Zupancic, Attorney at Law
Selih & partnerji
The year 2025 brings an important development in the area of equal access to products and services for people with different forms of disability. Mid this year, on 28 June 2025, the Act on Accessibility of Products and Services for Persons with Disabilities transposing into Slovenian national legislation the European Accessibility Act¹ will enter into force.
The law sets out a number of conditions that companies must meet to ensure that products and services are accessible to people with disabilities.…
Amendment to the Companies Act (ZGD-1M)
December 2024
Kaja Franko, Legal Intern
Selih & partnerji
The National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted an amendment to the Companies Act, ZGD-1M (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 102/2024), which entered into force on 18 December 2024. The amendment introduces new provisions into the Slovenian legal order, in particular in the areas of reporting, transparency and gender balance, and transposes the following four European directives:
Country-by-Country Public Reporting Directive,
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive,
Directive on Gender Balance…
EU Deforestation and Forest Degradation Regulation (EUDR)
November 2024
Spela Arsova, Partner, Kaja Franko, Legal Intern, and Ana Mocivnik, Legal Intern
Selih & partnerji
Deforestation and forest degradation are a major part of the pressing global climate crisis, significantly increasing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing essential carbon sinks and having a significant negative impact on biodiversity, as well as threatening the livelihoods of indigenous peoples. Despite existing efforts, every year the world continues to lose 10 million hectares of forest, and the European Union (the "EU") consumption is a considerable driver of deforestation and…
How Far Does the Employee’s Non-Compete Obligation Extend?
November 2024
Nino Bostic Sluga, Attorney at Law
Selih & partnerji
One of the essential obligations of an employee towards his employer is that, in view of the nature of the work performed for the employer, the employee refrains from conduct which materially or morally harms or is likely to harm the employer’s business interests (Article 37 of the Employment Relationships Act (the “Act”)).
Such obligations include the non-compete obligation laid down in Article 39 of the Act. During the employment relationship, the employee may not, without the written consent of the employer, carry…
Assessment of Administrative Sanctions by the Competition Protection Agency
January 2024
Spela Arsova, Partner, Selih in partnerji
One year has passed since the entry into force of the new Prevention of Restriction of Competition Act (ZPOmK-2)[1]. Among the most important changes brought by the new law is the introduction of the so-called administrative sanctioning which replaced the minor offences procedure under the previous ZPOmK-1[2]. Previously, the minor offences procedure, and thus the imposition of a penalty, was only initiated after the administrative decision finding an infringement of the competition rules had become final. In practice, such a separation proved…
Sale of a 100 % Shareholding in UNIOR Components d.o.o., Kragujevac, Serbia
June 2023
Unior Components D.O.O. Kragujevac is an enterprise based in Serbia. It is owned by UNIOR d.d., based in Slovenia, and operates in the Machine Tool Manufacturing industry. The latest financial highlights indicate a net sales revenue drop of 1.73% in 2021. A growth of 4.4% was recorded in its total assets. In 2021, Unior Components D.O.O. Kragujevac’s net profit margin decreased by 3%.
Sale of 100 % Shareholding in the Subsidiary UNITUR d.o.o., Zreče, Slovenia
June 2023
The company operates the spa resort Terme Zreče and the ski center Rogla. According to the annual report of the company, with just over 300 employees, it exceeded its revenue targets by more than 15%, with revenues generated at Rogla accounting for slightly more than half of the total and revenues booked at Terme Zreče accounting for slightly less. Compared to 2021, the revenues at Rogla increased by 62% and at Terme Zreče by 26%. Unitur ended the last financial year with a net profit of just over EUR 500,000. Last year, the company invested EUR 3.1 million, including EUR 1.5 million…
EUR 150 Million in Renewable Energy Incentives
June 2023
Slovenia's government plans to provide incentives worth EUR 150 million (USD 164 million) to support the development of renewable energy capacity in the country. The government plans to launch a public call for investments in the production of electricity from renewable sources, power storage, and production of heat from renewable energy sources in September.
The incentives will back electricity production from hydropower plants, photovoltaic plants, and geothermal plants with an installed capacity of 1 MW or less than 6 MW if the production facility is fully owned by small and medium-sized…
SEE Legal Members Assist NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, Inc. in Acquiring the Shares of the Multiple Subsidiaries of Cargo-Partner Group Holding AG
May 2023
POLENAK Law Firm, NNDKP, and SELIH & Partnerji were part of the international team of advisors that assisted NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, Inc., one of the world’s leading logistics companies, in acquiring the shares of the multiple subsidiaries of Cargo-Partner Group Holding AG (Cargo-Partner), which provides global logistics services through its main business sites in Central and Eastern Europe.
POLENAK Law Firm advised Nippon Express Holding Inc. on FDI reporting requirements. The team included Kristijan Polenak, Managing partner, and Tatjana Shishkovska, Partner.
NNDKP advised…
North-South Gas Interconnections in Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe (Hungary-Slovenia-Italy Interconnection)
May 2023
The PCI will establish a bi-directional interconnection between Slovenian and Hungarian gas transmission systems and, with that, a connection of the national gas markets. It will improve possibilities for diversification of gas sources (LNG sources from the Adriatic region and any other sources), which are available in Slovenia and enable access to gas storages in Hungary for Slovenian users. The security of supply (N-1 criteria) will be improved for the existing Slovenian gas system as well as for the Hungarian gas market to a certain extent. Phase I (planned to be commissioned on 1…
Sale of a 29.253% Shareholding in Štore Steel d.o.o., Štore, Slovenia
April 2023
The seller is UNIOR d.d. Štore Steel’s revenues increased from EUR 145 million last year to EUR 190 million, while EBITDA increased from EUR 12.5 million to EUR 18 million and net profit from EUR 5.9 million to EUR 10.5 million. Currently, the company is in the middle of the largest investment in its history of EUR 24 million in a new secondary metallurgy centre. The investment will enable the company to produce a cleaner, high-strength steel as well as stainless and some tool steel. In addition to this investment, in the spring, the company is planning a new line for upgraded steel,…
Sale of BETI d.d.
April 2023
The Bank Assets Management Company (BAMC) is selling the leading European manufacturer of special dyed and technical yarns, Beti d.d.
The subject of the sales process is at least 86,7% of Beti’s equity and a majority of Beti’s financial liabilities which will be sold as a package. The equity stake is in 100% ownership of Mr. Viktor Kozjan and the claims by BAMC.
In 2020, Beti had a net loss of EUR 53 000, which is the first net loss after 2013. The company's net sales revenues amounted to EUR 7.5 million (21 percent lower than in 2019).
Reportedly, Beti felt the corona crisis…