Possible Regional Connections of the Energy Exchange
Possible Regional Connections of the Energy Exchange
August 2022
The Slovenian energy exchange BSP Southpool is considering connecting with foreign energy exchanges and creating a regional exchange.
It has been reported that serious negotiations are underway to connect with the Serbian SEEPEX energy exchange.
BSP has 33 members – Slovenian and foreign companies engaged in the sale of electricity.
The energy exchange allows members to trade day-ahead and intraday, on clearing and long-term auctions. It issues the Slovenian Electric Stock Exchange Index (SIPX), which reports the hourly index of electricity on the electricity exchange market in Slovenia.
The co-owners of BSP are Borzen, the state electricity market operator, and Eles, the transmission system operator, each 50%.
Eles and Mavir (the Hungarian transmission system operator announced that the planned physical connection between the Hungarian and Slovenian electricity systems has started operation as of 30 June. Currently, the transmission line is still in the testing and trial run phase.
August 2022
The Slovenian energy exchange BSP Southpool is considering connecting with foreign energy exchanges and creating a regional exchange.
It has been reported that serious negotiations are underway to connect with the Serbian SEEPEX energy exchange.
BSP has 33 members – Slovenian and foreign companies engaged in the sale of electricity.
The energy exchange allows members to trade day-ahead and intraday, on clearing and long-term auctions. It issues the Slovenian Electric Stock Exchange Index (SIPX), which reports the hourly index of electricity on the electricity exchange market in Slovenia.
The co-owners of BSP are Borzen, the state electricity market operator, and Eles, the transmission system operator, each 50%.
Eles and Mavir (the Hungarian transmission system operator announced that the planned physical connection between the Hungarian and Slovenian electricity systems has started operation as of 30 June. Currently, the transmission line is still in the testing and trial run phase.