North-South Gas Interconnections in Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe (Hungary-Slovenia-Italy Interconnection)

North-South Gas Interconnections in Central Eastern and Southeastern Europe (Hungary-Slovenia-Italy Interconnection)

May 2023

The PCI will establish a bi-directional interconnection between Slovenian and Hungarian gas transmission systems and, with that, a connection of the national gas markets. It will improve possibilities for diversification of gas sources (LNG sources from the Adriatic region and any other sources), which are available in Slovenia and enable access to gas storages in Hungary for Slovenian users. The security of supply (N-1 criteria) will be improved for the existing Slovenian gas system as well as for the Hungarian gas market to a certain extent. Phase I (planned to be commissioned on 1 October 2023). The length of the gas pipeline between Nagykanizsa (Hungary) and Kidričevo (Slovenia) will be approximately 114 km and the expected maximum transmission capacity will be up to 12.9 GWh/d by 2023.

Phase I: Enabler projects: Kozármisleny-Kaposvár pipeline and compressor station at Dorog.

Phase II (planned to be commissioned 1 October 2025). The length of the gas pipeline between Kozármisleny (Hungary) and Kidričevo (Slovenia) will be approximately 272 km together with Phase I sections, compressor stations are needed and the expected maximum transmission capacity will be up to 49.0-93.3 GWh/d by 2025 depending on real market demand.

CEF funding: Awarded CEF co-funding: 375,000 EUR.

May 2023

The PCI will establish a bi-directional interconnection between Slovenian and Hungarian gas transmission systems and, with that, a connection of the national gas markets. It will improve possibilities for diversification of gas sources (LNG sources from the Adriatic region and any other sources), which are available in Slovenia and enable access to gas storages in Hungary for Slovenian users. The security of supply (N-1 criteria) will be improved for the existing Slovenian gas system as well as for the Hungarian gas market to a certain extent. Phase I (planned to be commissioned on 1 October 2023). The length of the gas pipeline between Nagykanizsa (Hungary) and Kidričevo (Slovenia) will be approximately 114 km and the expected maximum transmission capacity will be up to 12.9 GWh/d by 2023.

Phase I: Enabler projects: Kozármisleny-Kaposvár pipeline and compressor station at Dorog.

Phase II (planned to be commissioned 1 October 2025). The length of the gas pipeline between Kozármisleny (Hungary) and Kidričevo (Slovenia) will be approximately 272 km together with Phase I sections, compressor stations are needed and the expected maximum transmission capacity will be up to 49.0-93.3 GWh/d by 2025 depending on real market demand.

CEF funding: Awarded CEF co-funding: 375,000 EUR.