To-The-Rescue: Mega COVID-19 Law Proposal

On 24 March 2020 the Slovenian Government presented the main features of the so-called Mega COVID-19 Law that addresses instant help to the economy and the general population.

Adopted Provisional Measures with Respect to Judicial, Administrative and Other Public-Law Affairs to Contain the Spread of Coronavirus

Following the issuance of the order on special measures, issued by the president of the Supreme Court, temporarily regulating operation of Slovenian courts during the COVID-19 epidemic, on 20 March 2020, the Slovenian Parliament adopted the intervention Act on Provisional Measures with Respect to Judicial, Administrative and Other Public-Law Affairs for the Control of the Spread of the Contagious Disease SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19)

Slovenian Mandatory Moratorium on Bank Loans

On 20 March 2020 the Slovenian Parliament adopted an emergency law (Zakon o interventnem ukrepu odloga plačila obveznosti kreditojemalcev - ZIUOPOK) concerning mandatory moratoriums to be approved by Slovenian banks to Slovenian borrowers at their request, with a view of preventing substantial damage to the economy and maintaining financial stability.

Slovenia Provides for Partial Reimbursement of Salaries to Employers Hit by Coronavirus

To limit the economic consequences of the coronavirus epidemic The Slovenian Parliament has adopted the Intervention Act on Measures in the Field of Salaries and Contributions (‘Intervention Act’) which provides for the possibility of (partial) reimbursement of salary payments to employers.